Frequently asked questions
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A 4 hour certified course training participants in CPR and the safe use of an AED
Basic Life Support, CPR & AED is recommended as training for first aiders in the workplace environment who have access to a defibrillator, Key Stage 5 students or for anyone wanting to learn the basics of cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillator use.
This course meets with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 workplace requirements. Our company and trainers meet with the requirements for training providers.
During this 4 hour course, learners will develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with heart related medical emergenies in adults, children and infants. Skills include:
If you do not find the answers to your questions here simply contact us.
Employers have to ensure that there are adequate and appropriate equipment and facilities for providing first aid in the workplace, a first aid needs assessment will help determine this. First-aid provision must be available at all times while people are on school premises, and also off premises whilst on school visits.
So far, there is no legislation requiring defibrillators in schools in the UK. However, in view of the vital role that AEDs can play in saving the lives of pupils, staff and other users of school premises, the Department for Education is encouraging all schools to consider purchasing these devices as part of their first-aid equipment.
We are flexible with course dates and start and finish times in order to meet with the specific requirements of your school. We allow upto 1 hour for lunch on full day courses with coffee breaks. Courses are split into theory and practical sessions and a complete course timetable can be found on the specific course detail page.
Guidance states that there should be a ratio of 1 instructor for every 12 participants during practical exercises and that there is sufficient material available. We can provide training for groups of 12 participants up to 100 participants at a time.
Yes. We offer a training incentive for schools whereby when a school contracts us to deliver an INSET First Aid training day for up to 100 staff we commit to providing the school with a new DefiSign defibrillator at zero cost.
Certifications are valid for 3 years. The governing body and/or head teacher should regularly review the school's first-aid needs at least annually, and particularly after any changes, to ensure the provision is adequate.